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Transforming Industrial Branding with Storytelling

From product focused to inspiration driven.

Since 2018 we have been able to call the international company Staco Holding BV a customer of Gobsmacked®. Staco offers a complete range of high-quality gratings and stair treads in steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. After winning a concept pitch at Staco, we started working on various projects for this large organization. Are you curious about how we lifted Staco from product to inspiration? Then read on quickly.

De vraag

As an international producer and supplier of gratings, Staco is a good example of an organization that is active in the manufacturing industry. Like many other companies in this industry, Staco mainly focused on the product itself and not on the thought behind it. This is where opportunities lie because, in addition to the more conventional applications of gratings, they can also be used, for example, to regulate light incidence and insulation. Architects are also increasingly using grid technology in their designs as an aesthetic element. That is why Staco has chosen to reposition itself into a brand that focuses on inspiring and transferring knowledge to architects and builders. To make this idea a reality, Staco was initially looking for a Corporate Brand Film, which would serve as the first touchpoint.

In order to fulfill Staco’s wish, we have written a new catchy WHY for the organization. This was aimed at inspiring builders and architects to make the most of the functional and aesthetic possibilities of lattice technology. With this still fresh in mind, we pitched the concept for a corporate brand film to Staco. Successfully!

It was important that from this moment on, the new WHY could be tasted in all Staco’s deliverables. Curious about the means with which we have given Staco a new look? Then look further.

Het proces

The first touch point with a brand is of great importance… This can sometimes be decisive in deciding whether or not to proceed. To make the corporate brand film of Staco revolve entirely around the new why storytelling was used. This way, the brand’s story is translated in a unique and inspiring way. Curious about this process and why sharing a unique story is important within the B2B industry, then quickly watch the case video, in which we explain everything!


While we were still working on the corporate brand film for Staco, we were also approached by Staco to visit Poland. This is because there is a factor here, which is also known as Staco’s main production location. A cinematic look through their production process was the question for which Staco needed our help. Although a factory is often not very ‘sexy’ at first sight. We see a great challenge in that.

Every factory has its own story to tell, at least that’s how our creative brain sees it… We look for details that many others might overlook. So is the path leading from the parking lot to the factory, which provided the perfect mysterious opening for the video. Or the machine that produced a striking, rhythmic sound, which was eventually processed with the pre-existing track we used for this video.

A little piece of New York Rotterdam

Little C in Rotterdam is a special building that has won several architectural awards. It is a collection of 15 buildings in which people can live and work. The style of the building can be described as “a piece of New York on the Maas”, and the grilles for the fire escapes on the side, supplied by Staco, play an important role in this. Located directly on the water of the Coolhaven, it is a beautiful location for filming. Using a storytelling concept, we have created a video with which we want to appeal to the Staco target group based on emotion and feeling. Curious about the result? Watch the video below.


Staco has developed and supplied gratings for the parking garage of the Audi factory in Ingolstadt. The entire parking garage is equipped with Staco grids, which ensures that enough fresh air and sun is let in, but the cars remain protected. To portray this innovative and inspiring mindset, Staco asked us to translate this into a video. You can soon view the result… below is a small look behind the screen…

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